Advertisment at chinafraud
Ahead of every post will be such text:
=============Your Link================
Here will be about 3-5 sentences about your company.
And here will be my post.
How i can help you!!!!
Here is what we can do for you:
1. Verification of the company.
2. We can advertise or review here your company or your products.
3. We can help you to buy or to sell different products.
And many other things we can do for you...
My Contacts:
a. MSN:
b. E-mail:

My website helps me to EARN MONEY USING TEXT-LINK-ADS!!!
Or you can ADVERTISE YOU WEBSITE USING Text-link-ads.

If you want to find a company at my website...
Buy the biggest database of the Chinese FRAUD Companies
Here you can buy the biggest database of the Chinese Fraud companies, Chinese fraud websites and E-mails/MSN.
For now there is include:
a. 50 Chinese fraud Company
b. 830 Chinese fraud Websites
c. 20 Chinese fraud E-mails/MSN numbers
The list is updated everyday. So all what you'll need to do after buying my database, is to write to my e-mail the number, and you could receive all the updates.
You can pay with:
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All you to do is to choose your payment terms and send money. It cost only 25$.
Click here to proceed!!!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007 changed website
so be aware careful.....
a says:
i want to order something from you says:
a says:
but before i do that , i hv a question about ur company
how come u guys can give very low prices to the market?
even the prices is more than half from RRP says:
can you tell me which items you are interested in #65311;
a says:
ps3 says:
We buy goods directly from the producing company,and we have set up good cooperate relationship,thus all of our goods are at a very low price.
can you tell me the item number that you are interested in #65311;
a says:
hang on
can i pay through paypal? says:
Brand NEW 240V PS3 60 GB 3 Game 1 Controller Warra
Item Number: 1333200612
Member Price: 245 EUR
VIP Price: 213 EUR
Because using the payment of PAYPAL lasts for a long time, the product that this station is cheat to take is excessive.A time just in the adjustment, during the period of adjustment temporary not accept the payment of PAYPAL.
a says:
YOU'RE lier! read this says:
The Paypal Payment makes our company plenty of goods flow out and the goods may be keapped at the custom office. Also, the transfer time of the Paypal Payment in China is about twenty to twenty five days, it is very slow. Accumulated goods is not benefit for the turnover of the company.
a says:
have u read, my buddy?
i know what are u doing,
read the last post
can u explain that?
now u can't explain anything
come on buddy, stop scamming
no more fraud
be fair if u want to make money
if u want money, work!!!
hard work says:
a says:
i bet u only understand yes and no
please be aware now changed their website to
so be aware guys.....chinese people sucks, bitch careful....."
u can't explain about this???
there are so many site talk about wdtom
hi guys the post above was my conversation with that scammer wdtom, i pretending don't know about anything, and afterwards i give this link to him,,,and after that, they blocked me ...hahahha if u read this !
Sunday, June 17, 2007
I just want to make this posting so that others don't get scammed by this company as I have. The company name is They solicited business through eBay illegally by sending a generic email announcing that they sell electronics with very low prices. Once at their website a fellow by the name of Ren Guo Fan in Beijing, China (supposedly) gives you a price (very low) and states that you must either wire money to 'his' bank account or Western Union. At the time I was very naive and fell for this scam. I never received any products just requests to send yet, more money and now I am out $2,000.00.
Hopefully, not another person will fall for scams like and Ren Guo Fan have pulled off. Don't Buy Anything From or Ren Guo Fan in Beijing, China and NEVER use practices as Western Union which has no tracking system or protection for the consumer!
Technorati : b2b, china, export, fraud, import, news, scam : b2b, china, export, fraud, import, news, scam
Ice Rocket : b2b, china, export, fraud, import, news, scam
Flickr : b2b, china, export, fraud, import, news, scam
Zooomr : b2b, china, export, fraud, import, news, scam
Buzznet : b2b, china, export, fraud, import, news, scam
Riya : b2b, china, export, fraud, import, news, scam
43 Things : b2b, china, export, fraud, import, news, scam
Saturday, June 16, 2007
That Post is for Link Exchange...
Your access to 2550 finance companies, bank association and central banks. Banking, bank listing, service and financial knowledge around the world. Your worldwide information and investment tool
Friday, June 15, 2007 or
I lost 400€ for a cell phone. Aware of them.
Don't buy anything from them.
Technorati Profile
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
C502-C508 Building, DALIJIA Digital Park, TaiJiang District, FuJian, China
Non reciept of goods. I ordered 10 Sony Playstation 3 game consoles. I was told they were the U.S. Version at a price quoted of $390 USD for each unit. I recieved an Invoice No. 326568800 from HeddaDigital dated 10 April with payment information for TT payment. I sent the money by wire transfer on 04/10/07 from my bank (CHASE)and they (HeddaDigital) provided me a tracking number for the shipment, the shipment was VIA EMS Worldwide Express Mail service (China Post). Tracking number provided was EA822782164CN. Shipping date was 04/17/07. The shipment arrived on 04/23/07 and it was a China Post letter envelope containing a foam rubber picture frame. Nothing else in the package. I talked to my salesman who has since quit the company, the money was transferred to his personal account, then turned over to his manager. He told me that they are a fraudulant company. They recieve money for goods and do not ship them. He told me that they switch physical locations frequently, as well as changing telephone numbers. He stated the employees also use fake names. They typically request Western Union payment. The wire transfers are sent to individual employee accounts, not to a company account to eliminate a paper trail to the owner. He would not disclose the other company employee names to me, or the physical address of the company, or even verify the phone number that is on the web site.
I have since notified the U.S. FBI, and am in the process of Notifying the Chinese Consulate in the U.S., in addition to the Shenzen Police Department.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007 SCAMMERS!
Are scammers don't buy from them..
Andrea lost from them 2000$, she was going to buy laptops...
Sunday, June 10, 2007
How To Protect Your Company From Bad China Product
We have received many e-mails from readers and phone calls from clients regarding issues arising from the recent melamine pet food tainting. We not only represent a number of companies involved with China food, we also represent many importers of Chinese manufactured products who constantly encounter quality and safety issues. To assist our clients, we developed a checklist/audit program to minimize and reduce risks associated with the health and safety issues arising from bringing Chinese products into the West.
This post is a portion of what we tell our clients and it is intended to set forth some of the things that you, as a Western business involved in China, must do to minimize the likelihood of your product harming people and to minimize your liability if, after doing everything you reasonably can to prevent a problem, such a problem occurs. Our basic theme is that when you purchase products from China you must take action to ensure the safety and quality of your product; you cannot rely on the Chinese side to do these things.
Dangerous Chinese products were entering the United States and Europe long before the Melamine pet food tainting hit the news. But that incident and those which quickly followed it (bad toothpaste being the most prominent) mean everyone is now on notice these issues are real. From now on, it will be impossible for any Western company to plead ignorance. Western companies that refuse to take proper action will increasingly be subject to to severe penalties, even including punitive damages, where such damages are available. In other words, any Western company that does nothing to assure the safety of its Chinese products and then steps into court claiming it had every reason to trust its Chinese supplier (based on faith alone), is likely to face real anger and major damages. Plaintiff's class action lawyers in the United States should be and are salivating.
And get this straight, we are not just talking about food products here, though that is the most obvious and prominent right now. If you are selling Chinese bikes, do you know whether the nuts on your seats are really strong enough to withstand a 200 pound Westerner? If you are selling Chinese electrical goods, do you know if that Underwriters Laboratory (UL) sticker is counterfeit or not? Is the plastic in your Chinese made baby item really nontoxic? Will your cigarette lighter explode? Are you certain the fake fur on your coat is not from a dog? The time for complacence is over.
Liability for damages caused by defective Chinese products is going to be huge and it is going to be vast and it is going to fall disproportionally on American and European companies. The reason for this is twofold. First, it is viewed as difficult and expensive to sue Chinese manufacturers. Second, and more importantly, Chinese courts do not give large damage awards, so the result of a tort suit in China is not likely to be attractive to U.S. and European plaintiffs. Therefore, there will be overwhelming pressure to file such suits in the United States or in Europe, with the importer and retailer as the defendants. Based on our experience in the United States, such suits will likely be heard by U.S. courts and damages will be awarded.
We recommend Western importers of Chinese goods take the following actions:
1. Know Your Chinese Suppliers. Chinese suppliers run the gambit from superb to good to mediocre to criminal. We advise our clients to thoroughly check out any potential supplier in advance. For a recent client we developed the following plan for a supplier audit. We will be retaining investigators that will make sure our client is (and will be) dealing only with high end Chinese suppliers. We will begin with a credit check. Such a check can usually be done for less than $1500 and they are often quite revealing. Among other things, such a check can reveal whether the Chinese company with whom you have contracted is in fact the factory owner, or just some broker posing as the factory owner. Does the factory pay its bills? A thriving company is far less likely to risk its reputation by cutting safety corners to save a few Yuan than a company on the verge of going under. The credit check may also reveal other Western companies to whom the Chinese company has been supplying product. What do these Western companies think of this Chinese supplier? Learning that a well regarded Western company has been purchasing product from the Chinese factory without major problems for the last five years is obviously a good sign.
2. Quality Control. It is absolutely essential the Western purchaser of Chinese product take responsibility for quality control. Most Chinese products arrive in the U.S. or Europe already packaged for retail sale, making inspection outside China cost ineffective. In these situations, a statistically valid inspection system within China is critical for proving out the safety and quality of the product. For food and drug items, the Chinese government has its own effective inspection system, but to reduce costs, many Chinese suppliers intentionally avoid the Chinese government procedures. The Chinese government itself estimates as many as 50% of the food and drug items exported from China violate China’s own export rules. It therefore becomes your job to make sure your Chinese supplier is licensed both to manufacture the product you are buying from it and licensed to export it. It is also your responsibility to make sure the product you are buying went through proper Chinese government inspection before export.
3. Contracts. All contracts with Chinese suppliers should focus in detail on safety and quality control issues. It is frankly shocking to us that many importers of product from China not only do not have a contract dealing with quality and safety issues, they have no contract whatsoever. Such businesses are simply asking for trouble under the U.S. legal system, and presumably in most European countries as well. Your contract with your Chinese supplier must be clear and specific as to quality expectations. If your product calls for 12% stainless steel, your contract should clearly state 12% stainless steel is required and anything else is completely unacceptable. The contract also must make clear your right to inspect and it should delineate responsibility for injuries and recalls. Equally important, you must do what the contract provides. If the contract states you are responsible for inspection, then you must actually inspect. The contract is not there for show: it is there to provide a procedure to be followed.
Your contract with your Chinese manufacturer can serve either to shift liability towards you or away from you.
At the same time, however, you must recognize U.S. Courts are likely to be reluctant to see an injured party walk away with nothing. Therefore, no matter how good your contract is at deflecting liability from your company, you must still not abandon your other protections.
4. History. If you have been using five suppliers for the last few years and four are good and one is problematic, dump the worst one as soon as possible. It seems every time my firm is called in to deal with a major supply problem our client says something like, "we should have known we would have a problem with this supplier." You know who your problem suppliers are and you need to replace them now before they cause even bigger problems. Ask a product liability defense lawyer whether having to deal with a bunch of e-mails from you to your supplier complaining of "continual quality shortfalls" is going to be good for your product injury lawsuit. Actually, don't bother, you know the answer as well as they do.
5. Insurance. Insurance is NOT a replacement for the above, but it is your backup. Insurance almost never covers more than your legal fees and out of pocket damages. It will not cover your time spent defending lawsuits nor will it cover your damaged reputation. Make sure you know your own situation (for example, are you a manufacturer or not?) and make sure your policy covers your situation.
6. Marketing. I represented a company whose product brochure sported a cover claiming it made the "toughest" product in the industry. Every time something would go wrong with that product (which typically cost around $250,000), the opposing lawyer would argue my client should be held to a higher than normal standard because it had expressly warranted its product to hold up better than its competition. Make sure you are not making claims about your product you cannot back up. For example, many U.S. importers claim their Chinese manufactured product is manufactured to an international standard that simply is not followed in China. Things like this just give the plaintiff's lawyer more ammunition against you in any legal proceeding.
There is obviously a lot more to protecting your company from dangerous China product than just abiding by the items we set forth above, and many of the things you do to protect yourself will be industry and company specific. But, at minimum, every company getting product from China should be reviewing at least these aspects of its business.
B2b Connections With One Of The Planet's Biggest Markets
It is a straightforward wholesale marketplace, where member vendors can display wares and prices. It also operates the premiere Chinese auction site, an Asian version of eBay called Alibaba dominates the Chinese ecommerce market and is a major player for some import-export markets on an international scale.
In recent years, the company has aggressively expanded its sophistication and service array. In 2005 Yahoo bought 40% of Alibaba for one billion dollars plus all of Yahoo's Chinese assets. Alibaba founder and entrepreneur Jack Ma has since then redesigned Yahoo's Chinese portal and attempted to market it as the definitive Chinese search engine. Alibaba has also developed an online funds transfer system with a Hong Kong bank, attempting to establish a tool similar to PayPal.
Recently the firm released a survey claiming to prove that product sourcing online through can cut the normal sourcing cycle by 75 percent. members say it takes about three weeks to find the right trading partner and negotiate a deal through the Web site, compared to the average sourcing cycle of 3.3 to 4.2 months.
The survey found that 56 percent of members take two to four weeks to negotiate the terms of a purchase or sale from first contact to finalized contract agreement, while 17 percent say it takes them no more than a week. The survey was conducted from June 19 to July 9, 2006, and included responses from more than 1,100 members.
Alibaba claims that it is the simplest and most effective way to find products and resources. Their membership base has reached the point (1.2 million members) that both Chinese and Western entrepreneurs wishing to engage in product sales can no longer ignore this enormous marketplace. ''We reduce the sourcing time by bridging geographies and time zones and putting thousands of products and suppliers in one easy-to-use location," said an Alibaba VP for operations.
Both Alibaba and TaoBao currently do not charge fees from buyers or sellers. That has force eBay to change its business model in China as well. Alibaba has a "premium" service that it provides to members who wish to sign on; indications are that TaoBao will adopt a fee structure at some point.
It appears that partnership with an indigenous corporation is important. Google's efforts in China are relatively recent. Yahoo has made its presence there a success by effectively turning its operations over to Alibaba. They won the battle with eBay in Japan by partnering with Softbank, a Japanese conglomerate. So while the Yahoo auction site is inconsequential in the U.S. it forced eBay out of the market before they could get started.
These are critical times for the major web players in China. Less than ten percent of China's populace has web access - however those early adopters amount to one hundred million people and many of them are businessmen. In ten years, China may be the biggest economy - online and otherwise - in the world. Alibaba has done an excellent job of staking out its domestic turf and joining forces with the entrenched Yahoo in America and Europe. They'll give Google and eBay a run for their yen.
DOn't believe them, they are scammers!!! SCAMMERS
when you put their postal address in google it also comes up with the folowing sites which look extremely similar.
They can sell an New Aprilla 1000cc motorbike for under 2000EUR then something has to be dodgey.
Where do i have to call in china to get someting done about them?
Here is another fake one watch out people.
Another Ebay Scammers
If you buy any of the sites named report the sellers to ebay. is another name. they seem to follow with these sites
thank you all so much for all your careful advise
Another Ebay Scammers
dear friend, we are an electron export company. we mainly sell mobile, lcd tv, gps, ps3, gps , ipod, digital camera, laptop and so on.
all what we sell come with 1 year official guarantee,and we sell at competitive price if you order in bulk.if you are interest,please contact us
It is a scam!
"Hi,this is Candy from NAP TRADE ON LINE,welcome to our website !We are the whole salersalers of electronic products like digital camera,video,notebook,GPS system,DVD player,mobile phone,mp3,mp4,etc.Besides,we can provides you famous brand shoes,bags in a very challenge price.Whatever goods you buy you would get a new IPOD SHUFFLE for free!Join us,the good service and low price...What are you waiting for?
Welcome to our
Ebay Scammers-Spammers
When selling an item on ebay, they ask you a 'question' about your icon only it's spamming you to buy from them
They are typical scammers.
I've lost over £19,000 on motor bikes i orders off and paypal wont even give me 1% of that money back . So upset and alot of money has been lost.
Don't Buy from them.
Nigerian Scam at Ebay
1. Firstly, They bid on your item on Ebay
2. So, They say that they are in England but have a fiance or a daughter in NIGERIA and if possible to send the goods there.
3. Then they send you a FAKE paypal email saying that the funds have been collected by paypal and if you send the tracking order of the goods that you send, paypal will deposit the money to your account.
So look carefully.
Scammers Cooperation
Here could be the text about your company. Or i could write little
review about it.
===============HERE COULD BE YOU ADS===============
BEWARE of the following sites
As they keep changing domains every few weeks it is hard to list all of the sites they operate with)
These Scammers from China pretend they are wholesalers, if you happen to send them money YOU WILL LOOSE IT.
They operate similar webpages and keep changing Domain names so they are hard to find if you do a search for scams.
They usualy approach unsuspecting buyers through ebay.
This is what they usualy say in their email.
My dear friend : Please allow us to disturb your precious time! We are the Chinese biggest foreign trade wholesaler. If you want to do business, we can offer you our most reasonable discount, making you get more profit . If you have time, please visit our website,Please relate with us, we will give you a satisfying answer .Our Web address : Our MSN: Our such as digital cameras, mobile,LCD TV, Laptops Notebooks, Digital Video,Mp4,GPS,and so on
I have lost 350 euro and im trying to save someone else loosing their money.
These scumbags should be stopped.........
Saturday, June 9, 2007
China's college graduate glut
===============HERE COULD BE YOU ADS===============
Here could be the text about your company. Or i could write little
review about it.
===============HERE COULD BE YOU ADS===============
By Chi-Chu Tschang
June 5, 2007
But guess what? For college seniors graduating this spring, finding a job has been a real struggle. There are simply too many of them to absorb even for a growing economy like China. Just ask Yang Hanning, who will be graduating with a degree in computer science from Tianjin University of Commerce in July. He has sent out dozens of résumés and been called back for an interview for fewer than 10 companies. He has yet to receive a job offer.
"All of the jobs I've applied for are looking for people with experience. They give us recent graduates the cold shoulder," Yang, 23, laments. In fact only three out of his 22 classmates in the computer science department have received job offers so far, and none of the jobs has anything to do with their major.
Cutthroat job market
In 1977, the first year that Chinese university enrollment resumed after the trauma of the Cultural Revolution, only 4.7% of applicants, or 270,000 students, were accepted into college; a carefully managed trickle. And those lucky kids generally coasted into a stable job in a government ministry or state-owned enterprise. It was the fabled era of the "iron rice bowl" in which college grads received subsidized housing and rock-solid job security.
China's evolution since then into a more market-driven economy has also meant a far more cutthroat job market. This spring, 4.95 million seniors will graduate from colleges across China, nearly five times as many college graduates than China produced seven years ago.
"There are a lot of people in China. Everybody has a college degree and they're all competing for that one opening," said Liu Chao, 21, who will be graduating in July with a degree in computer science from Beijing Information Technology College. The joke floating around college Internet chat rooms is that college students nowadays are like cabbages: There's an abundant supply of them and their price never goes up.
Flood of unemployed
The reason universities are churning out record numbers of graduates every year is rooted in the Chinese government's decision to expand university enrollment starting in 1999. With the Chinese economy slowing during the Asian financial crisis, Asian Development Bank economist Tang Min in 1998 proposed expanding university enrollment to boost domestic consumption. China was closing down state-owned enterprises and laying off millions of workers at the time, so it seemed like a good idea to send some of the 3 million high school graduates in 1999 to college and delay their entry into the job market.
Today it is unclear exactly how many recent college graduates are unable to find a job. Since 2001, the official figures from the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MOLSS) claim that roughly 30% of college seniors have not signed an employment contract by the time they receive their diplomas in July, which is a typical number for the U.S. and other developed nations. In China, however, that would mean nearly 1.5 million recent graduates will be flooding the job market this summer.
"The MOLSS tabulates the unemployment figures for blue collar workers and doesn't really care about white collar unemployment. College graduates are white collar. The MOLSS doesn't know how many of them are unemployed and doesn't care," said Yao Yuqun, professor at Renmin University's School of Labor Relations and Human Resources. He added that unemployed college graduates are not counted in China's official 4.1% unemployment rate.
Spoiled only children?
However there is anecdotal evidence to suggest that it is a growing problem that has attracted the government's attention. Last November, a graduate student from the prestigious Tsinghua University committed suicide because he was unable to find work. Starting last year, college graduates who have been unable to find work by Sept. 1 have been allowed to register as unemployed with their local government offices and receive unemployment benefits.
Older Chinese complain that the current crop of college graduates born in the 1980s under the one-child policy have been coddled by their parents. Unlike their parents who dutifully went to work wherever the state assigned them, this generation of Chinese are pickier about where they live and where they work.
"Some college graduates will only work if they find a good job. If it's a regular job, they won't do it," noted Sun Baohong, head of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences' Institute of Adolescents.
Please stay home
College graduates expect to land nice white collar jobs after graduation. The reality is that China's economic growth is still largely driven by factories needing cheap, low-skilled workers churning out products for export. Hence, chief executives complain that they receive a mountain of résumés for administrative positions but are having a hard time filling openings on the plant floor.
Most college graduates have also shunned the countryside and flocked to China's major metropolitan areas, such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen, to find jobs. The government has been trying to entice college graduates to spend a year or two working in rural areas after graduation by giving them bonus points if they apply to graduate school later. But young Chinese say that one reason they prefer to go to major cities to find work is because they feel the playing field is more level there, unlike in the countryside where "guanxi" or connections are needed to find jobs.
Companies say that China's educational system, which stresses rote memorization, turns out college graduates who can perform repetitive tasks efficiently but cannot think "out of the box" to attack problems creatively. Often college graduates simply can't do jobs they are hired for without further post-graduate training.
Experience worth the price
A European startup working on applying artificial intelligence to business cases moved its research and development operations to Beijing last year to take advantage of the cheap cost of Chinese software programmers and found this out the hard way. It originally posted job advertisements on the Internet and hired seven recent college graduates only to discover that some of the programmers were unable to write simple computer programs.
In February the company decided to start over from scratch. This time it hired a headhunter to find programmers with 5 to 10 years of experience. Even though it costs up to 10 times more to hire experienced programmers, as opposed to hiring fresh college graduates, the decision turned out to be worth it. "Of course the salary is different but you don't have redo their work and the work is higher quality. They would probably be actually cheaper than hiring fresh college graduates," said Nicolas Piguet, co-founder and R&D manager of the startup.
To be sure, many recent college graduates are aware of their shortcomings. They cite training and room for career advancement as one of the main factors when choosing where to work. "A lot of companies neglect career training. I don't get the feeling that I would learn a lot at these companies," said Jia Zhanjie, 24, who will be graduating with a degree in chemistry from Beijing Normal University. Even though he already has a job offer, he was still trolling job fairs on the weekends to see if he could find something better.
Limiting number of students
Not surprisingly, more and more college students are going to graduate school before entering the workforce. "After I return with my master's degree, it'll be easier to find work," said Luo Binhan, 23, who graduated with a degree in insurance from Wuhan University in 2005 and has taken the past year off to apply to graduate school overseas. However in the last couple of years Chinese students with graduate degrees have also found it harder to find work.
The Chinese government has started to take steps to improve the quality of education. The central government will invest 10 billion yuan ($1.3 billion) between 2006 to 2010 in vocational and technical schools to create more skilled workers. With factories facing shortages of skilled laborers, 95.6% of vocational school graduates had a job offer by the time they graduated last year.
Last year, the Ministry of Education also began to limit the number of incoming freshmen universities could accept to no more than 5% more than the year before. The rapid expansion of college enrollment had led to a shortage of qualified professors, leading to a drop in the standards. Renmin University's Professor Yao said, "A lot of people have been complaining to the Ministry of Education that their children can't find jobs. Expanding university enrollment has lost its attractiveness."
Due Diligence For Chinese Joint Ventures
Here could be the text about your company. Or i could write little
review about it.
===============HERE COULD BE YOU ADS===============
Due diligence is an absolute must if you plan to team up with a Chinese partner. It’s a jungle out there, so be wary. This is no place to cut expenses or rush through things because a half-done job may cost you twice as much time and money later. Due diligence is not a particularly prevalent practice among the Chinese and they may have trouble understanding why you are “making things difficult”. If your prospective partner refuses to cooperate, don’t be afraid to walk away.
There are three main types of due diligence that you need to concern yourself with – financial, legal, and environmental. Keep in mind that these three inquiries often overlap.
Financial Due Diligence
Many Chinese enterprises (it is said) have three sets of financial records: one for the
owners, one for the tax authorities, and one for foreign investors. Accordingly, determining the value of an enterprise based on its financial records can be difficult. It might be necessary to carry out an independent assessment of the enterprise’s reputation, connections, and key employees.
Key pitfalls to watch out for are:
Double-dealing employees – it is not at all uncommon in China for senior management to have their own businesses that directly compete with their employer, and for these executives to use their employer’s confidential information to further their own private interests.
Corrupt relationships with Chinese government officials – this presents the risk of civil liability or prosecution, not only by the Chinese authorities should things take a turn for the worse, but also by the US authorities if you happen to be American or otherwise subject to the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (some other nations have equivalent legislation; check your home jurisdiction if you are unsure).
Intellectual property piracy – rampant in China.
Legal due diligence
Legal due diligence focuses on a variety of issues including contract rights, corporate authority, regulatory compliance, ownership of assets, and liabilities and claims against the target company. Issues that often arise include:
Scope of business issues – At the minimum, you should authenticate and inspect an original of the enterprise’s business license (the scope of business is listed thereon).
Contracts – whether contractual arrangements are adequately documented (or documented at all).
Ownership of buildings and Land Use Rights – Check to make sure all buildings are owned outright and all land is “granted” rather than merely “allocated”.
Intellectual property – make sure that trademarks, etc. used by the target company are either owned by it or licensed to it.
Constitutional documents such as Articles of Association – make sure that they are up to date (properly amended to reflect the company’s current situation).
Construction permits and approvals – these should be examined not only for construction in progress, but also for existing structures
Labor disputes – determine whether there are any outstanding disputes, and the level of employee morale.
Debts and encumbrances – make sure that these are adequately documented and not excessive.
Environmental Due Diligence
In a nutshell, you need to know whether your partner’s site environment or your FIE’s proposed site environment has been contaminated (contamination of your Chinese partner’s site could affect its financial stability even if it is not used for the FIE).
Thursday, June 7, 2007
I had problems with this Company and paid for goods via western union.Cheap prices but scammers.
You can chk this out and add to list if you want.
As soon as the money was picked up no more contact from them and no replys by email.